Wednesday, August 19, 2009

or the Anatomy of Art?

Ciao tutti!
So with my week of summer upon me I'm feeling ambitious and in need of something else to do. Hence a blog (that I will hopefully keep up!) that will follow my simultaneous interests of science and art. I will finally be taking Anatomy Lecture and Lab (ie. Integrative Bio 131) at Cal this fall, after getting kicked out of the class last fall (the waitlist was too long!) The lecture is taught be the lovable Marion Diamond, who despite her age (83?) insists that students answer questions during lectures and takes 3 students out to lunch every week. She is traditional and uses the big chalkboards--refreshing in an age of powerpoints and digital learning. Although the once-a-week lab is far more intimidating, it does involve analysis of human skeletons and cadaver dissections. As excited as I am to cap off my academic premed track, I'm even more excited to sneak my sketchbook into my lab room and get to drawing. To join the ranks of Michelangelo and Da Vinci and their unsatisfied curiosity for the beauty and complexity of the human body behind the flesh.

So what's the point of this blog?
I'm not sure where it will go, but for now I hope to post musings/reflections on the class and drawings that I make during lab. Hopefully I'll draw some sort of connection between the Art of the Renaissance and the Art of a modern med student, if not, I'll have some cool drawings of muscles and sinews by the end of the semester!

ciao for now!

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